مقدمة تفصيلية لعملية صب القالب الدائم -1

According to the characteristics of the permanent mold casting process, in order to ensure the casting quality, simplify the permanent mold structure and make full use of its technical and economic benefits, the structure of permanent mold casting must be analyzed and a reasonable casting process must be worked out.

1.Technological analysis of casting structure

The technological property of permanent mold casting is the precondition to ensure the casting quality and bring the advantages of permanent mold casting into full play. The following principles should be followed for a reasonable casting structure:

  • the casting structure should not obstruct the mold and prevent the shrinkage;
  •  the thickness difference should not be too big, so as to avoid the temperature difference between different parts, which causes the shrinkage crack and porosity of the casting;
  •  limit the minimum wall thickness of the permanent mold casting.

In addition, the casting surface of the non-machining accuracy and finish should be appropriate.

2.Pouring position of the casting in the metal mold

The pouring position of casting is directly related to the number of core and parting surfaces, liquid metal leading-in position, feeding effect of Riser, unobstructed exhaust and complexity of metal mould. The principles for selecting the pouring location are as follows:

Make sure that the workflow of the liquid metal is stable and the exhaust is convenient when filling the mould, so as to avoid the entrainment of the liquid flow and the oxidation of the metal;

  •  It is favorable for sequential solidification and good feeding, so as to obtain castings with compact structure
  • The number of cores shall be reduced as far as possible, and they shall be easy to place, stable and easy to mold;
  •  It is advantageous to the simplification of metal mold structure and the convenience of casting out mold.