Экспериментальное исследование шара для помола с высоким содержанием хрома Cr12 (2)

2.1 Влияние модификации на микроструктуру литых шариков из высокохромистой стали Cr12 Сравнивая увеличенную фотографию литых шариков из высокохромистой стали CR12 без модификации и после модификации, можно увидеть, что без модификации структура литого шарика из высокохромистой стали Gold Carmen, в которой происходит карбонизация, все материалы имеют прерывистую сетчатую структуру […]

Experimental study on Cr12 high chromium grinding balls (1)

With the development of wear resistance, materials, and related technologies, cr-series white cast iron has been used more and more widely in the grinding industry, especially in high-chromium cast iron, which is a kind of wear-resistant material, it has been fully utilized in the major industrialized countries of the world. We can find that its […]

Application of new MQ-P-T technology in white cast iron balls (3)

On the one hand, the addition of chromium in casting grinding ball decreases the carbon content of the eutectic point and decreases the austenite area in the phase diagram. On the other hand, the type of carbide structure changes from reticulate M3C type to isolated M7C3 type, and the hardness of carbide increases, from 850 […]

Application of new MQ-P-T technology in white cast iron balls (2)

The high chromium cast iron products treated in this paper are made of hot metal with a temperature of 1550 °C, which are cast into 80mm diameter high chromium cast iron grinding balls in a cold mould. The chemical composition of the material is shown in Table 1.

Application of new MQ-P-T technology in white cast iron balls (1)

Abstract: Fe-2.4C-12Cr high chrome white cast iron balls with a diameter of 80mm was quenched and tempered with water and air by MQ-P-T method, analysis of mechanical properties and microstructure, weaving, alignment, comparison. The strengthening and toughening mechanism of MQ-P-T treated high chromium cast iron was investigated using micro-and microstructure characterization. The results show that […]